Caregiver Useful Info

Information for Nannies / Caregivers

(Find out about your rights, Vacation, Where to go for help, Compensation Work, etc.)

► All residents of B.C. must enroll with MSP (MEDICAL SERVICE PLAN):
Application for Enrolment with MSP
Medical Services Plan (MSP) Forms

► All about SOCIAL INSURANCE NUMBER (nine-digit number that you need to work in Canada or to have access to government programs and benefits), including details of how to apply for a SIN.

Contact Us

Have more questions?
Do you need additional information?
Fill out the form below and we will contact you within 24 hours.

First Name

Last Name


Telephone Number

City, Province

How can we help you?

To send your message and prove that you are a human, please check the box that reads, "I'm not a robot."

Our office

Suite 1, 2nd floor, 4529A Hastings St.
Burnaby , B.C. V5C 2K3, Canada
Tel: (604) 298-6633
Fax: (604) 298-6655

Have some more questions?

Give us a call, we will be happy to assist you further and arrange for a personal discussion with you.

There is no charge or obligation.

Get Started Now!

Documents needed before applying for a job as a nanny / caregiver.

If you are looking for a job as a nanny/ caregiver, please send us along with the completed application form, the following items:

reference letters from your present and previous employers


"Dear Family" Letter (click to see sample)

certificates of education


copy of your passport ( work permit where applicable)

Looking for a nanny job? Want to find a family who will appreciate your work? Click here or call 604.298.6633.

Do you want to apply for a nanny / caregiver job?
Download the Application Form